Below you will find an internal e-mail that was sent to all States Members from Senator Alan Breckon, who was Chairman of the Scrutiny sub-panel further made up of myself and Deputies Geoff Southern and Roy Le Herissier. As some readers might recollect the four of us, along with our excellent Scrutiny officer, Sam Le Quesne, worked flat out right through last summer - a period of some 18 + weeks overall as I recall - producing a review that concluded quite unequivocally that a fully independent Committee of Inquiry into the Management of the Health & Social Services Department was urgently needed. It was, of course, rejected by most of the usual crew as the attached States vote demonstrates.
The content of Senator Breckon's email was written in the aftermath of the final report revelations at yesterday's press conference. A press conference and later statement from the Minister where we hear yet again that regardless of the horrific findings in this particular case no-one will be held accountable. Once again it is apparently all about 'learning lessons for the future'. according to the Minister Incredible but true. Still, having been a member of the Scrutiny sub-panel that put so much work into the review that had concluded an independent Committee of Inquiry was essential I did initially feel that I should make some observations on this issue. But reading Alan's e-mail last night I came to the opinion that actually, by and large, he had said just about everything of importance that needed to be said. Thus, rather than simply risk repeating his words I obtained Alan's permission to make his thoughts publicly available on the JDA's website.
I believe the content of the e-mail speaks for itself; as does the original proposition and States Assembly vote attached. I will leave readers to make up their own mind and ask the questions that result. Comments on the website are welcome as always. Equally, maybe these questions should be directed to the 30 States Members who chose not to support the proposition that Alan, Geoff, Roy and myself worked so very hard on in coming to our conclusions.
All I would add personally is the following. Until propositions - ALL propositions - are debated and voted upon according to their need and merit, rather than which States Members are behind them, or what damage to the image of Corporate Brand Jersey might occur if they were supported and passed government will never do the job that it should within a so-called democracy. Senior civil servants and employees who get things wrong, fail or simply do not do their jobs will never be made accountable as they should be. More serious than either of these two points, of course, in instances of this nature some of the most vulnerable within our society will never have the protection and security that should be theirs by right.
As for the Chapman Report...maybe we should be asking for a refund.
Deputy Trevor Pitman
From: Alan Breckon
Sent: 26 March 2010 17:35
To: All States Members (including ex officio members)
Dear Colleague FYI I have attached the Proposition & Vote on whether to hold a Committee of Inquiry Into the Management of the Health & Social Services Department this is self explanatory.
All the existing Ministers + two former Health Ministers voted against!
However I wish Members to be mindful of the following;
on one hand I was accused of being mates with Civil Servants and therefore willing to move on without proper attention to detail where faults may have been found;
on the other hand I was accused of making mischief and not having any evidence of any malpractice;
if you re-read the short Report attached you will see that neither of the above is true;
I did not have another agenda, however I knew there were issues that went beyond the scope of the Panel's ability to investigate fully - hence the Committee of Inquiry;
In the Chapman Report Into Health & Safety issues on bullying, harassment, blogs etc he says this at para 10.19
"As it was put to me on more than one occasion: "people are keeping their heads down." To an outsider that is a critical concern as if action is not taken to address the problem it will firstly lead to inertia in the decision making process and ultimately a potential breakdown in normal day to day government. For example I understand that the States will in due course be required to decide whether to set up a Committee of Inquiry to investigate allegations of misconduct and incompetence within the management of Health & Social Services. I am aware from my own research for the purposes of this investigation that there have already been seven independent investigations and reviews covering much of the same ground. In the course of my research I read four of those documents either in whole or in part. It was quite clear that no evidence had been found in any of those reviews to justify any of the allegations made and the call for a further Inquiry appeared to me as an external observer to indicate an inability to move on and manage the present." (my emphasis)
so this Chapman bloke was telling us to "move on manage the present" - wonder who told him that? (the extract is attached below) How much was he paid for these little gems of wisdom? "wool" & "eyes" are words that spring to mind!
the Scrutiny Panel became aware, through family situations with the Court that children had been returned to abusive situations over long periods of time.
this is proven by PUBLISHED case judgements and prosecutions - one for rape of a child
the Jersey Child Protection Committee (until most recently) had never held one Serious Case Review - we wondered how this could be? - we got 10 years of their minutes?
I hope this clarifies the situation for those 30 of you who voted against a Committee of Inquiry - this was not a point scoring exercise it came from an uneasy feeling that the Sub Panel of Roy, Geoff, Trevor and myself had for the situation we found.
So while the recent Report on the JCPC may be uncomfortable for some it was where sadly the Sub Panel knew somebody had to go - so well done to the JCPC.
Finally The Sub Panel & Officers worked very hard over about a 20 week period to produce a significant Report in a very sensitive area with lots to commend it - the cost - although I do not have figures to hand was about £15,000 and we did get some outside advice, however the Report was our own - the only lesson is that we all must learn is to open our minds to some of this stuff and NOT adopt the opposition stance or personalise issues - its too important for that!
View Vote P145/2009/(re-issue)
Committee of Inquiry into the management of the Health and Social Services Department. 05 November 2009
Senator Alan Breckon
Senator Sarah Craig Ferguson
Connétable Alan Simon Crowcroft
Connétable Silvanus Arthur Yates
Deputy Frederick John Hill, B.E.M.
Deputy Roy George Le Hérissier
Deputy Geoffrey Peter Southern
Deputy Carolyn Fiona Labey
Deputy Collin Hedley Egré
Deputy Jacqueline Ann Hilton
Deputy Paul Vincent Francis Le Claire
Deputy Shona Pitman
Deputy Montfort Tadier
Deputy Angela Elizabeth Jeune
Deputy Trevor Mark Pitman
Deputy Tracey Anne Vallois
Deputy Michael Roderick Higgins
Deputy Andrew Kenneth Francis Green M.B.E.
Deputy Deborah Jane De Sousa
Deputy Jeremy Martin Maçon
Senator Terence Augustine Le Sueur
Senator Paul Francis Routier
Senator Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf
Senator Terence John Le Main
Senator Ben Edward Shenton
Senator Frederick Ellyer Cohen
Senator James Leslie Perchard
Senator Alan John Henry Maclean
Senator Bryan Ian Le Marquand
Connétable Kenneth Priaulx Vibert
Connétable John Le Sueur Gallichan
Connétable Daniel Joseph Murphy
Connétable Michael Keith Jackson
Connétable Graeme Frank Butcher
Connétable Peter Frederick Maurice Hanning
Connétable Leonard Norman
Connétable John Martin Refault
Connétable Juliette Gallichan
Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel
Deputy John Benjamin Fox
Deputy Judith Ann Martin
Deputy James Gordon Reed
Deputy John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondré
Deputy Anne Enid Pryke
Deputy Sean Power
Deputy Kevin Charles Lewis
Deputy Ian Joseph Gorst
Deputy Philip John Rondel
Deputy Daniel John Arabin Wimberley
Deputy Edward James Noel
Connétable Deidre Wendy Mezbourian
Deputy Anne Teresa Dupre
Senator Stuart Syvret